Monday, November 21, 2005

Things are getting increasingly nasty in Washington. Now Vice President Cheney has gone on the attack, accusing the anti-war critics of being "dishonest" and "reprehensible," and engaging in shameless behavior.

Both Bush and Cheney have recently attacked their Democratic critics, pointing out that many of them voted in favor of the war. Well, yes, that's true, but they also based their decisions to do so on intelligence supplied by the White House. The question at hand is whether that intelligence was honest, or if only the intelligence backing the Bush Administration's accusations was passed along to the Congress while contradictory information was conveniently left out.

But forget about the intelligence for a moment. That's almost beside the point, because there's an even more important issue that's being overlooked in this debate: What the hell went wrong with the post-war planning? There were plenty of people saying--even before the war began--that more troops would be needed to properly secure the country. Why were those voices ignored?

And before Cheney offers any more criticism of the anti-war critics, shouldn't he explain why the American troops weren't greeted with flowers?